Monday, November 10, 2008

Is the United States Constitution still in effect?

I've long been dismayed by the fact that most of us have practically no knowledge of the U.S. Conostitution, but lately I've been genuinely angry that constitutional protections are routinely ignored by all three branches of the government. The abuses of civil liberties have been occuring for so long that almost everyone - including me, until recently - has become inured to them. It isn't very hard to come up with examples where each of the first ten amenments are routinely violated by the very people sworn to uphold them.

Lately Ive been wondering why so few seem to care enough to take a stand.


Emily said...

A guy on Jason Lewis the other day was saying that Obama wants to ban personal handguns, which, of course, is a direct violation of the second amendment. He suggested that we should bargain with him by saying that we will give up our handguns if his secret service will give up theirs.

The Wandering Wolverine said...

Unity Alert: Republicans on short list for Obama appointment are Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel. Glad to see he's willing to work with folks who differ from him mainly in that their names are followed by R's.